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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance

CEENRG Fellows are a network of lawyers, economists, political scientists, historians, natural scientists and engineers affiliated with CEENRG that together provide the integrative prism required to understand environmental, energy and natural resource governance. Many of our Fellows occupy positions in other centres and research groups across the University of Cambridge and in other institutions, a feature which highlights our commitment to explore synergies among different centres of expertise within Cambridge and beyond.

Dr Emily  Barritt
C-EENRG Fellow
Lecturer in Tort Law
The Dickson Poon School of Law
King’s College London
Christopher Campbell-Duruflé
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor, Lincoln Alexander School of Law, Toronto Metropolitan University
Thomas David
C-EENRG Fellow
Research Associate, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Professor José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade Guerra
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
Dr Joanna  Depledge
C-EENRG Fellow
Member, Climate Strategies
Professor Cristiane  Derani
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor in International Economic and Environmental Law
Federal University of Santa Catarina
Professor Laura   Diaz Anadon
C-EENRG Director
C-EENRG Area Leader: Climate Change and Energy Policy
Professor of Climate Change Policy
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
01224 337 156
Dr Leslie-Anne  Duvic-Paoli
C-EENRG Fellow
Lecturer in Law
Deputy Director, Climate Law and Governance Centre
Dickson Poon School of Law
King’s College London
Professor Neil  Edwards
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor of Earth System Science
The Open University, UK
Emily Farnworth
C-EENRG Fellow
Co-Director, Centre for Climate Engagement, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge
Dr Shailaja   Fennell
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor of Regional Transformation and Economic Security
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
 Clara  Galeazzi
C-EENRG Fellow
Economist, International Monetary Fund
Dr Markus  Gehring
C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law
Director, Centre for European Legal Studies (CELS)
University of Cambridge
Dr Karolis  Gudas
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Vilnius University
Mengyao Han
C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Professor, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Professor Jiashun Huang
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor, School of Public Affairs, University of Science and Technology of China
Professor Winfried  Huck
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor for International Economic Law and European Economic Law in Germany, Brunswick European Law School (BELS)
Ostfalia University
Dr Nikoleta  Jones
C-EENRG Fellow
Principal Research Associate
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
Dr Julian  Kirchherr
C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company
Principal Investigator, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
Dr Florian  Knobloch
C-EENRG Fellow
Policy Advisor, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Dr Sergey  Kolesnikov
C-EENRG Deputy Director and Fellow
Research Associate
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
Professor Andreas   Kontoleon
C-EENRG Fellow and former Director
C-EENRG Area Leader: Conservation and Biodiversity Policy
Professor of Environmental Economics and Public Policy, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Dr Aileen  Lam
C-EENRG Fellow
Lecturer, University of Macau
Dr Shaun  Larcom
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor of Law, Economics and Institutions
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
 Ginevra  Le Moli
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor, European University Institute
Dr Emma  Lees
C-EENRG Fellow
University Lecturer in Environmental and Property Law
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
Dr Deyu  Li
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
Dr Sören  Lindner
Research Scholar, International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA)
Dr Zhaoyang (Leo) Liu
C-EENRG Fellow
University Lecturer in Applied Economics
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
 Paul Lohmann
C-EENRG Fellow
Postdoctoral Research Associate, El-Erian Institute of Behavioural Economics and Policy, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge
Davide Luca
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor of Economic Geography, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Dr Jing  Meng
C-EENRG Fellow
Lecturer, Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management
University College London
Dr Jean-Francois  Mercure
C-EENRG Fellow
Affiliate, Cambridge Econometrics
Senior Lecturer in Global Systems, University of Exeter
Professor Massimiliano  Montini
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor of European Union Law
University of Siena
Dr Tibisay   Morgandi
C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Professor of International Energy Law
School of Law, Queen Mary University of London
Muhammad Ali Nasir
C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds
Dr Maria  Augusta  Paim
C-EENRG Fellow
Research Fellow, Centre for Energy, Petroleum, and Mineral Law and Policy
University of Dundee
Roberto Pasqualino
C-EENRG Fellow
Research Associate, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Professor Michael  Pollitt
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor of Business Economics
Judge Business School
University of Cambridge
 Hector  Pollitt
C-EENRG Fellow
Director, Head of Modelling
Cambridge Econometrics
Dr Benedict  Probst
C-EENRG Fellow
Senior Researcher ETH Zurich
Dr Ryan   Rafaty
C-EENRG Fellow
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nuffield College
Senior Research Officer, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford Martin School
University of Oxford
Professor Evangelos  Raftopoulos
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor Emeritus of International Law and International Environmental Law
Founding Director, MEPIELAN Centre
Panteion University
Dr Surabhi  Ranganathan
C-EENRG Fellow
University Senior Lecturer in International Law
Deputy Director, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
Faculty of Law
University of Cambridge
Dr Henning Grosse  Ruse-Khan
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor of Law, University of Cambridge
Dr Pablo  Salas Bravo
C-EENRG Fellow
Senior Climate Economist
International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group
Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier  Segger
C-EENRG Fellow
Chair in Sustainable Development Law and Policy, University of Cambridge
Affiliated Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
Senior Director, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law
Adjunct Professor, University of Victoria
Prof Dr Muhammad  Shahbaz
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor of Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology
Distinguished Research Fellow, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City
Dr Jeffrey  Skopek
C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge
Professor Timothy  Swanson
C-EENRG Fellow
André Hoffmann Chair of Economics
Academic Director, Centre for International Environmental Studies
Graduate Institute, Geneva
C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Economics, Rajagiri Business School, India
Research Fellow, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Professor Harro van Asselt
Hatton Professor of Climate Law
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
Dr Terry  van Gevelt
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor in Environmental Sustainability
University of Hong Kong
Professor Jorge  Viñuales
C-EENRG Founder and former Director
C-EENRG Area Leader: Environmental Law and Governance
Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy
Department of Land Economy
University of Cambridge
 Maarten  Voors
C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Professor, Wageningen University
Sam Vosper
C-EENRG Fellow
Affiliated Lecturer, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Senior Climate Economist, Risilience Ltd
Professor Michael  Waibel
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor of International Law
University of Vienna
Dr Li Wan
Associate Professor in Urban Planning and Development, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Dr Thales A. P.  West
C-EENRG Fellow
Scientist, Scion—New Zealand Forest Research Institute
Dr Tong  Xu
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor, Institute of Urban Environment
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr Chung-Han Yang
C-EENRG Fellow
Assistant Professor, National Tsing Hua University
Honorary PGR Supervisor, University of Liverpool
Dr Aiora  Zabala
C-EENRG Fellow
Lecturer in Economics (permanent), The Open University
Senior Departmental Fellow, Department of Land Economy
Ning Zhang
Senior Departmental Fellow, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Professor of Environmental Economics, Shandong University