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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance


Dr Julian Kirchherr is an Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company, and a Principal Investigator at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Much of Julian's research investigates sustainable energy transitions in emerging economies and the role the private sector can play in these. He has published > 20 peer-reviewed articles in academic journals such as Global Environmental Change, Ecological Economics, World Develpoment and Energy Policy and his work on energy transitions has also been featured in media outlets such as BBC, Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal. Julian's research at Cambridge University investigated the environmental and socio-economic impacts of the Chinese-led Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). It is carried out in collaboration with Prof Dr Laura Diaz Anadon, Dr Judith Plummer and Jürgen Sauer.


Key publications: 

For a full list of Dr Julian Kirchherr's publications, please visit his Google Scholar profile.

Kirchherr, J., Ahrenshop, M., Charles, K. (2019). Resettlement lies: Suggestive evidence from 29 large dam projects. World Development, 114: 208-2019.

Fung, Z., Pomun, T., Charles, K., Kirchherr, J. (2019). Mapping the social impacts of small dams - The case of Thailand’s Ing River basinAmbio, 48 (2): 181-190

Kirchherr, J., Urban, F. (2018). Technology transfer and cooperation for low carbon energy technology: Analysing 30 years of scholarship and proposing a research agenda. Energy Policy, 119: 600-609

Kirchherr, Julian, Matthews, Nathanial, Charles, Katrina J. & Walton, Matthew J. (2017). “Learning it the Hard Way”: Social safeguards norms in Chinese-led dam projects in Myanmar, Laos and CambodiaEnergy Policy, 102: 529-539

Kirchherr, J., Charles, K.J. and Walton, M.J. (2016) Multi-causal pathways of public opposition to dam projects in Asia: A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)Global Environmental Change, 41: 33-45

C-EENRG Fellow
Associate Partner, McKinsey & Company
Principal Investigator, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
Dr Julian  Kirchherr

