Weekly seminars by the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource Governance
Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (CEENRG) continues its weekly CEENRG Seminar Series throughout the 2024-2025 academic year. Our seminars are informal and friendly talks allowing discussion of on-going work for early career researchers, experienced academics, and policymakers. Presenters are expected to speak for 30-45 mins to allow substantial time for discussion. Talks focus on issues in law, policy, economics and governance of climate change, environment and energy. All are welcome!
In 2025 Lent term, our weekly seminars continue to take place in a hybrid format: in person in the David Attenborough Building (DAB) and online in Zoom every Thursday at 3-4 pm* (UK time) between 23 January and 20 March 2025. We warmly invite our colleagues in Cambridge to attend the seminars in person in the DAB - no registration needed. Alternatively, if you would like to join any of the seminars online via Zoom, please register using individual registration links for each seminar, provided below. Upon registering, you will receive an e-mail with the Zoom meeting link on the day of the respective seminar.
The full programme of the 2025 Lent term CEENRG Seminar Series, including time and location of each seminar, can be found in the 2025 Lent Term Card below, or in a poster format here.
* Joint seminar co-organised with the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute (CRI) and the Centre for Resilience and Sustainable Development (CRSD) in the Department of Land Economy on 7 February takes place on Friday at 2.00-3.30 pm, not at the regular time and day of the week.
** The seminar with Jayaprakash Murulitharan on "Southeast Asia transboundary haze: the Malaysian environmental dilemma", originally scheduled for 20 February 2025, is postponed due to logistical issues. Instead, the seminar on 20 February 2025 will be given by Dr D. Cale Reeves on the topic "Generating insight from the bottom up: agent-based modeling of home energy technology diffusion".
CEENRG Seminar Series - 2025 Lent Term
■ 23 January
Dr Samvel Varvastian
Lecturer in Law, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University
Human rights approaches to planetary crises: from climate change to plastic pollution
Time: 3-4 pm. Hybrid: in-person in Weston Seminar Room (2.49) in DAB + online in Zoom
Register to receive Zoom meeting link
■ 7 February*
Professor Bina Agarwal [Joint CRI / CEENRG / CRSD Seminar]
Professor of Development Economics and Environment, University of Manchester
Can indigenous political representation improve forest conservation? India’s experience
Time: 3-4 pm. Hybrid: in-person in Main Seminar Room (1.25) in DAB + online in Zoom
Register to receive Zoom meeting link
■ 13 February
Professor Erik Gomez-Baggethun
Professor in Environmental Governance, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Has utilitarian environmentalism failed? Searching for a framework to reconcile human-nature relationships
Time: 3-4 pm. Hybrid: in-person in Main Seminar Room (1.25) in DAB + online in Zoom
Register to receive Zoom meeting link
■ 20 February**
Dr D. Cale Reeves
Research Associate, CEENRG, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Generating insight from the bottom up: agent-based modeling of home energy technology diffusion
Time: 3-4 pm. Hybrid: in-person in Main Seminar Room (1.25) in DAB + online in Zoom
Register to receive Zoom meeting link
■ 27 February
Dr Kelvin Kwok
Associate Professor of Law, University of Hong Kong
Sustainability agreements and competition law: the way forward
Time: 3-4 pm. Hybrid: in-person in Main Seminar Room (1.25) in DAB + online in Zoom
Register to receive Zoom meeting link
■ 6 March
Dr Viet Nguyen-Tien
Research Officer, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science
The electric vehicle revolution: estimating vehicle longevity in Great Britain
Time: 3-4 pm. Hybrid: in-person in Weston Seminar Room (2.49) in DAB + online in Zoom
Register to receive Zoom meeting link
■ 13 March
Raifa Al Maamari
CEENRG Researcher & PhD Candidate, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Transition to clean hydrogen economy in the Middle East: a comparison of approaches and outcomes in Saudi Arabia, Oman and the UAE
Time: 3-4 pm. Hybrid: in-person in Main Seminar Room (1.25) in DAB + online in Zoom
Register to receive Zoom meeting link
■ 20 March
Professor Timo Goeschl
Professor of Environmental Economics, Alfred Weber Institute for Economics, University of Heidelberg
Wearable air quality sensing: a field experiment on the economics of personal air quality exposure information
Time: 3-4 pm. Hybrid: in-person in Main Seminar Room (1.25) in DAB + online in Zoom
Register to receive Zoom meeting link
Past seminars:
- 2024/2025:
- 2023/2024:
- 2022/2023: Michaelmas term card; Lent term card; Easter term card
- 2021/2022: Michaelmas term card; Lent term card; Easter term card
- 2020/2021: Michaelmas term card; Lent term card; Easter term card
- 2019/2020: Michaelmas term card; Lent term card
- 2018/2019: Michaelmas term card; Lent term card; Easter term card
- 2017/2018: Michaelmas term card; Lent term card; Easter term card
- 2016/2017: Michaelmas term card; Lent term card