Greenhouse Hydroponic Photovoltaic System
This pilot project aims to evaluate a more sustainable vegetables production through a less fresh water use and a solar power energy system. This system will use around 4% of water if comparable to a traditional vegetable production. Besides of that, this module pilot will use alternative ecological fertilizers that contribute to the sustainability agriculture. The estimate production is 2.000 thousands plants a month that part of it will be offered to charity institutions in the region.
Education for Sustainability
The Education for Sustainability pilot project aims to bring to the schools and universities good practices of environmental education. At the Rancho Queimado public school we have an initiative related to energy efficiency where all energy consumption is supplied by a photovoltaic system. Besides, the energy efficiency initiative, the classes are usually involved with sustainable pedagogical activities. At Unisul, for example, we have an Environmental Education Policy that regulate the practices that should be followed at the academic environment.
Green Roofs and Green Walls
This pilot module aims to show the green building properties related to the green walls and greens roofs at Unisul Campus. The green walls bring to the environment a very nice atmosphere and help to make more comfortable the buildings. As to the temperature, the green walls and green roofs help to improve thermic comfort.
Dissemination Practices
The dissemination practices are part of a movement towards to the consciousness creation about the Nexus Food-Energy-Water. Besides the scientific events the project will involve policy makers, decision makers and the civil society in general.