20/09/2018 - Tubarão, Brazil. Stakeholder engagement session with ACIT, the business association of Tubarão
On the 20th of September 2018, we organised a special stakeholder engagement session for ACIT, the Business Association of Tubarão (Associação Empresarial de Tubarão/SC). ACIT ‘represents businesses in the industrial, commercial and service sectors’ in Santa Catarina. The session was opened by the Mayor of Tubarão, Mr. Joares Carlos Ponticelli, and the President of ACIT, Mr. Edson Martins Antônio.
Dr Jean-Francois Mercure, BRIDGE Scientific Director
Prof Jorge Viñuales, PI of BRIDGE
Part of the ACIT business audience
Dr Soeren Lindner, BRIDGE Researcher
Prof Rafael Faraco, BRIDGE Co-I
Dr Seoren Lindner, BRIDGE Researcher (right), Prof Rafael Faraco, BRIDGE Co-I (centre) and Fabio Zabot Holthausen (left), founder of the Innovation and Entreprenurship Agency of UNISUL.