The complex interactions between environmental law in its many manifestations and international economic law, particularly trade and investment, are a major area of environmental governance. Whether it is the search for synergies between the pursuit of economic prosperity through trade and investment and environmental protection or the management of the potential conflicts among these different pursuits, the role of law and legal design is extremely important in practice. The move from a polluting and resource inefficient economic system to a green economy, characterised by its low environmental footprint, cannot be effected without major regulatory change (either regulation or deregulation), which, in turn, is having an adverse impact on the industries and utilities heavily involved in the brown economy. Understanding how international and domestic laws can govern such a transition is a key area of research of C-EENRG members.
Members active in this cluster:
Marie-Claire Cordonnier Segger
Representative research outputs:
Miles, K. (ed.), Research Handbook on Environment and Investment Law (Edward Elgar: forthcoming 2016).
Bartels, L., ‘The Chapeau of the General Exceptions in the WTO GATT and GATS Agreements’ (2015) 109 American Journal of International Law, forthcoming.
Douglas, Z., J. Pauwelyn and J. E. Viñuales (eds.), The Foundations of International Investment Law (Oxford University Press, 2014):
Bartels, L., ‘Human Rights and Sustainable Development Obligations in EU Free Trade Agreements’ (2013) 40 Legal Issues of Economic Integration 297-314:
Miles, K., The Origins of International Investment Law. Empire, Environment and the Safeguarding of Capital (Cambridge University Press: 2013):
Dupuy, P.-M. and J. E. Viñuales (eds.), Harnessing Foreign Investment to Promote Environmental Protection: Incentives and Safeguards (Cambridge University Press: 2013):
Viñuales, J. E., Foreign Investment and the Environment in International Law (Cambridge University Press: 2012):
Bartels, L., ‘The WTO Legality of the Application of the EU’s Emissions Trading System to Aviation’ (2012) 23 European Journal of International Law 429-467:
Brown, Ch. and K. Miles (ed.), Evolution in Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration (Cambridge University Press, 2011):
Cordonnier Segger, M.-C., M. Gehring and A. Newcombe (eds.), Sustainable Development in World Investment Law (Kluwer: 2010):
Balchin, C., Liz Kyo-Hua Chung, A. Kaushal, M. Waibel (eds), The Backlash Against Investment Arbitration (Kluwer, 2010):
Gehring, M. and M.-C. Cordonnier Segger (eds.), Sustainable Development in World Trade Law (Kluwer: 2005):