Brazil faces significant challenges due to two significant global contextual factors. On the one hand, climate change is highly likely to change weather patterns, which will affect detrimentally the land cover and biodiversity in Brazil, with severe impacts on agriculture. On the other hand, Brazilian economy relies heavily on exports of natural resources for prosperity, and global changes in demand for commodities could lead to either or both environmental degradation and large scale land-use change, and decreased wealth and employment. Both types of changes are likely to impact and create intricate complexities in the Brazilian Food-Energy-Water nexus. These transformations and forces must be understood in order to minimise detrimental impacts to welfare and the environment in Brazil.
The BRIDGE project is developing a framework of analysis and policy engagement to improve the resilience of the Brazilian Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus. In this context, we are inviting leader academics and policy makers in Brazil to join a group of international experts in the analysis of laws and policies for strengthening Brazilian resilience to global environmental and economic change