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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance

The Platform on International Energy Governance brings together world leading universities and research centres active in the field of international energy law and policy. It aims to serve as a network of excellence that fosters the conduct of research in unexplored areas of international energy governance.

Member institutions are the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (and its Centre for International Environmental Studies); the University of Cambridge (including C-EENRG, the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and the ‘In Search of ‘Good’ Energy Policy’ initiative); the University of Oxford; University College London; Sciences Po Law School; and the World Trade Institute. The creation of the Platform has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Philomathia Foundation.

The Platform aims to i) foster research in international energy law and policy by attracting academics, including doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, interested in pursuing state of the art research on international energy governance; ii)  promote exchanges between member institutions and beyond; iii) facilitate data sharing; and iv)  advance education, by promoting the design of new courses in the field of international energy governance in leading universities.

For more information, please visit the Platform’s new website:  or contact the Project Leader, Dr Duvic-Paoli.