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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance


Dr Jean-Francois Mercure is a computational scientist in the area of low-carbon innovation, macroeconomics, finance and climate change. He is Senior Lecturer in Global Systems, University of Exeter. His primary expertise lies in technological change dynamics and evolutionary (innovation) economics. 

He was formerly deputy director of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research (4CMR) and head of its energy modelling team. Initially trained in physics and complexity science, he spent the past years designing and building computational models for climate change mitigation research, as well as analysing the theoretical underpinnings of contemporary energy-economy models.

Dr Mercure leads modelling efforts at C-EENRG. In collaboration with Cambridge Econometrics and the Open University, the models used at C-EENRG cover technology dynamics, the macroeconomy and the biophysical world (the climate, the carbon cycle, the land surface). This makes a new form of Earth System Model, or Integrated Assessment Model, that is entirely simulation-based, and includes technological change dynamics and policy.

For more information see Dr Jean-Francois Mercure


Key publications: 

Macroeconomic impact of stranded fossil fuel assets,
J.-F. Mercure, H. Pollitt, J. E. Viñuales, N. R. Edwards, P. B. Holden, U. Chewpreecha, P. Salas, I. Sognnaes, A. Lam & F. Knobloch, Nature Climate Change, 8, 588–593 (2018)

Climate–carbon cycle uncertainties and the Paris Agreement, 
P. B. Holden, N. R. Edwards, A. Ridgwell, R. D. Wilkinson, K. Fraedrich, F. Lunkeit, H. E. Pollitt, J.-F. Mercure, P. Salas, A. Lam, F. Knobloch, U. Chewpreecha and J. E. Viñuales, Nature Climate Change, 8, 609–613 (2018)

Fashion, fads and the popularity of choices: Micro-foundations for diffusion consumer theory, J.-F. Mercure, Structural Change and Econ. Dynamics (2018) DOI 10.1016/j.strueco.2018.06.001

Integrated assessment modelling as a positive science: private passenger road transport policies to meet a climate target well below 2°C, J.-F. Mercure, A. Lam, S. Billington, H. Pollitt, Climatic Change (2018) DOI: 10.1007/s10584-018-2262-7

Environmental impact assessment for climate change policy with the simulation-based integrated assessment model E3ME-FTT-GENIE, J-F Mercure, H. Pollitt, N. R Edwards, P. B Holden, U. Chewpreecha, P. Salas, A. Lam, F. Knobloch, J. E Vinuales, Energy Strategy Reviews, 20, 195-208 (2018)

The role of money and the financial sector in energy-economy models used for assessing climate and energy policy, H. Pollitt & J.-F. Mercure, Climate Policy (2017) DOI:10.1080/14693062.2016.1277685 

Policy-induced energy technological innovation and finance for low-carbon economic growth, J.-F. Mercure, F. Knobloch, H. Pollitt, R. Lewney, K. Rademakers, L. Eichler, J. van der Laan, L. Paroussos, European Commission (2016), Macro-Energy_Innovation_D2 Final %28Ares registered%29.pdf

Modelling complex systems of heterogeneous agents to better design sustainability transitions policy, J-F Mercure, H. Pollitt, A. M. Bassi, J.. E Viñuales, N. R. Edwards,  Global Environmental Change, 37 (2016) 102–115,

The behavioural aspect of green technology investments: A general positive model in the context of heterogeneous agents, F. Knobloch and J-F Mercure, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, (2016)

Climate model emulation in an integrated assessment framework: a case study for mitigation policies in the electricity sector, A. M. Foley, P. B. Holden, N. R. Edwards, J.-F. Mercure, P. Salas, H. Pollitt, and U. Chewpreecha, Earth Syst. Dynam., 7, 119–132 (2016) doi:10.5194/esd-7-119-2016

The effectiveness of policy on consumer choices for private road passenger transport emissions reductions in six major economies, J.-F. Mercure & A. Lam, Environmental Research Letters, 10 (2015) 064008 doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/6/064008

An age structured demographic theory of technological change, J.-F. Mercure, J. Evolutionary Economics, 25:787–820 (2015)

GDP and Employment Effects of Policies to Close the 2020 Emissions Gap, T. Barker, H. Pollitt, Y. Ogawa, J.-F. Mercure & E. Alexandri, Climate Policy, (2015)

Chapter 3: Modeling the Power Sectors in East Asia – Power Sector changes by the choices of Power Sources, Y. Ogawa, J.-F. Mercure, S. Lee and H. Pollitt, in Lee, Park & Pollitt (eds), E3 Modelling for a Sustainable Low Carbon Economy in East Asia, Routledge

Chapter 4: Modeling the Power Sectors in East Asia – Economic and Environmental impacts by the choices of Power Sources, Y. Ogawa, J.-F. Mercure, S. Lee and H. Pollitt, in Lee, Park & Pollitt (eds), E3 Modelling for a Sustainable Low Carbon Economy in East Asia, Routledge

Feasibility of Decarbonisation from a Technology Perspective, J.-F. Mercure and P. Salas, in Terry Barker and Douglas Crawford-Brown (eds), Decarbonising the World's Economy: Assessing the Feasibility of Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Imperial College Press, London, (2015)

The dynamics of technology diffusion and the impacts of climate policy instruments in the decarbonisation of the global electricity sector. J.-F. Mercure, P. Salas, A. Foley, U. Chewpreecha, H. Pollitt, P. B. Holden, & N. R. Edwards, Energy Policy, 73, 686–700 (2014)

EU climate and energy policy beyond 2020: Are additional targets and instruments for renewables economically reasonable? J. Sijm, P. Lehmann, U. Chewpreecha, E. Gawel, J.F. Mercure, H. Pollitt, S. Strunz, UFZ discussion Papers, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ

On the global economic potentials and marginal costs of non-renewable resources and the price of energy commodities. J.-F. Mercure & P. Salas, Energy Policy, 63 469–483 (2013)

FTT:Power A global model of the power sector with induced technological change and natural resource depletion. J.-F. Mercure, Energy Policy 48,799-811 (2012)

An assessment of global energy resource economic potentials, J.-F. Mercure & P. Salas, Energy, 46(1) 322-336 (2012)

C-EENRG Fellow
Affiliate, Cambridge Econometrics
Senior Lecturer in Global Systems, University of Exeter
Dr Jean-Francois  Mercure