Dr Deyu Li is an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University. Previously he was a Research Associate at the Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance, where he worked on the NSF-ESRC jointly funded project 'Co-location of manufacturing and innovation: drivers and impacts of technological innovation along the wind energy global value chain'. Prior to joining C-EENRG, Deyu completed his PhD in Innovation Studies in Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University. His doctoral thesis deals with the place-dependence of renewable energy technologies. Deyu holds a master degree in Economic Geography from Peking University.
Li, D., Heimeriks, G. and Alkemade, F., 2021. Knowledge flows in global renewable energy innovation systems: the role of technological and geographical distance. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Forthcoming
Li, D., Heimeriks, G. and Alkemade, F., 2020. The recombinant innovations in solar photovoltaic technology: Can geographical proximity bridge technological distance? Regional Studies, 1-12
Li, D., Heimeriks, G. and Alkemade, F., 2020. The emergence of renewable energy technologies at country level: relatedness, international knowledge spillovers and domestic energy markets. Industry and Innovation, 27 (9): 991-1013.
Heimeriks, G., Li, D., Lamers, W., Meijer, I. and Yegros, A., 2019. Scientific knowledge production in European regions: patterns of growth, diversity and complexity. European Planning Studies, 27(11): 2123-2143.
Guo, Q., He, C. and Li, D., 2016. Entrepreneurship in China: The role of localisation and urbanisation economies. Urban Studies, 53(12): 2584-2606.