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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance


Agustín García Ureta is Professor of Administrative Law and Environmental Law at the University of the Basque Country. He holds a Degree in Law from the University of Deusto (1988), an LL.M. in European Legal Studies (1989) and a Ph.D. in Law from Exeter University (1992). He has lectured extensively in Spain and abroad and is current survey correspondent of Environmental Liability, published by Lawtext (Oxford) as well as a frequent collaborator of the Yearbook of European Environmental Law (Oxford) and the Environmental Law Yearbook Ingurumena eta Zuzenbidea (IEZ). He is the author of 8 monographic treatises, co-author of 6 books and has published over 25 articles and 60 commentaries on sentences in the areas of general administrative and environmental law. His most important works include Derecho Europeo de la Biodiversidad (Madrid: Iustel and Gómez-Acebo & Pombo, 2010), La potestad inspectora en el derecho comunitario. Fundamentos, sectores de actuación y límites (Madrid: Iustel, 2008), El domicilio y su régimen jurídico, (Bilbao: Lete, 2007), La potestad inspectora de las Administraciones Públicas, Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2006, La Comisión Arbitral del País Vasco (Oñati: IVAP, 2003), Procedimiento administrativo y derecho comunitario: silencio administrativo, nulidad y anulabilidad de los actos en la Ley 30/1992 (Oñati: IVAP, 2002), Espacios naturales protegidos (Oñati: IVAP, 1999), Protección de especies de flora y fauna en derecho comunitario europeo: Directivas 79/409 y 92/43, (Oñati: IVAP, 1997), Marco jurídico del procedimiento de evaluación de impacto ambiental: el contexto comunitario y estatal (Oñati: IVAP, 1994).

Former visiting scholar
 Agustín  García Ureta

