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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance
Read more at: Understanding the New Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Prospects for "Climate Justice" and Sustainable Development
 Understanding the New Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Prospects for "Climate Justice" and Sustainable Development

Understanding the New Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Prospects for "Climate Justice" and Sustainable Development

8 February 2016

Understanding the New Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Prospects for "Climate Justice" and Sustainable Development Video Link: Wednesday 3 February 2016, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge Co-Chairs: Dr Markus Gehring and Dr Joanna Depledge Speaker: Dr Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger ...

Read more at: CEENRG/CCPL Seminar Series (2016 Lent Term)
CEENRG/CCPL Seminar Series (2016 Lent Term)

CEENRG/CCPL Seminar Series (2016 Lent Term)

20 January 2016

The Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy, and Nature Resource Governance (CEENRG), and the Cambridge Centre for Property Law (CCPL), will be hosting weekly (informal and friendly!) working paper seminars throughout the 2015-2016 academic year. These will be brown bag lunches allowing discussion of on-going work for PhD...

Read more at: Climate Policy, Volume 17, 2017
Climate Policy, Volume 17, 2017

Climate Policy, Volume 17, 2017

29 December 2015

Special Issue: Climate policy after the 2015 Paris Conference EDITORIAL Editorial Climate policy after the Paris 2015 climate conference Jorge E. Viñuales , Joanna Depledge , David M. Reiner & Emma Lees Pages: 1-8 Published online: 07 Nov 2016 OUTLOOK: PERSPECTIVES Article Climate change after Paris: from turning point...

Read more at: What Now? Climate Change and Energy after Paris 22 January 2016 Conference in Cambridge

What Now? Climate Change and Energy after Paris 22 January 2016 Conference in Cambridge

29 December 2015

What now? Climate change and energy after Paris A multidisciplinary conference hosted by the University of Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy & Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG) Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG) – Judge Business School Department of Politics and International Studies and Centre for Rising...

Read more at: C-EENRG receives Newton Fund grant to explore policies addressing the Nexus (Water-Food-Energy) in Brazil
C-EENRG receives Newton Fund grant to explore policies addressing the Nexus (Water-Food-Energy) in Brazil

C-EENRG receives Newton Fund grant to explore policies addressing the Nexus (Water-Food-Energy) in Brazil

29 December 2015

Newton Fund gives grant to develop the BRIDGE Project - Building Resilience In a Dynamic Global Economy: Complexity across scales in the Brazilian Food-Water-Energy Nexus Energy, water and food production and consumption in Brazil face important challenges. River flows and water reservoirs, including in dams, have record...

Read more at: A Snapshot of COP21 Paris Climate Agreement
A Snapshot of COP21 Paris Climate Agreement

A Snapshot of COP21 Paris Climate Agreement

14 December 2015

Nearly 200 countries participated in negotiations in Paris over two weeks, striking the new climate agreement to commit all nations to cut emissions. Professor Vinuales, the director of C-EENRG, has prepared a preliminary snapshopt of its legal structure. For those who may be interested in the detail of the agreement...

Read more at: ‘‘Traditional authority’ linked to rates of deforestation in Africa
‘‘Traditional authority’ linked to rates of deforestation in Africa

‘‘Traditional authority’ linked to rates of deforestation in Africa

25 November 2015

C-EENRG's Deforestation in Africa Research in the University's Research News Front Page 'New analysis reveals a strong correlation between precolonial institutions in Africa and current levels of deforestation. Researchers suggest that many of these structures still operate at a local level, controlling and exploiting...

Read more at: LINKS 2015: Workshop on the linkages between energy, food and water consumption for Brazil in the context of climate change mitigation strategies
LINKS 2015: Workshop on the linkages between energy, food and water consumption for Brazil in the context of climate change mitigation strategies

LINKS 2015: Workshop on the linkages between energy, food and water consumption for Brazil in the context of climate change mitigation strategies

24 November 2015

Time: Tuesday 1st of December, 14.30 hours. Place: The Keynes Lecture Theatre at King's College, Cambridge. About the event: This workshop is part of the international academic project LINKS 2015 between the University of Cambridge and UNISUL (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Brazil), funded through the Newton Funds...

Read more at: From Kyoto to Paris: A historical perspective on international climate change negotiations
From Kyoto to Paris: A historical perspective on international climate change negotiations

From Kyoto to Paris: A historical perspective on international climate change negotiations

22 November 2015

SPEAKER: Dr David Reiner TITLE: From Kyoto to Paris: A historical perspective on international climate change negotiations TIME: 25 November, 17:15 LOCATION: Castle Teaching Room, Judge Business School ABSTRACT: Paris will be the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and there is...

Read more at: Cambridge Symposium on Governing Global Climate Change - 28 Nov 2015
Cambridge Symposium on Governing Global Climate Change - 28 Nov 2015

Cambridge Symposium on Governing Global Climate Change - 28 Nov 2015

17 November 2015

In condolence and solidarity with the citizens of Paris, with renewed determination and commitment to secure the strongest possible outcomes in the upcoming Paris negotiations on climate change, we would greatly appreciate it if you could share this announcement with your networks, and if interested, be welcome to register...