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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance

On June 18-19, 2023, the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance (CEENRG) at the Department of Land Economy in the University of Cambridge hosted an in-person international Workshop entitled ‘Accelerating development of energy innovation ecosystems: strengthening links across institutions and actors.’ The Workshop was funded by the Alfred P Sloan Foundation as part of the research project ’What factors drive innovation in energy technologies? The role of technology spillovers and government investment’ led by Professors Laura Diaz Anadon (University of Cambridge), Venkatesh Narayanamurti (Harvard University) and Gabriel Chan (University of Minnesota) as co-PIs. The Workshop brought together researchers from the project and world-leading experts and scholars in energy technology and innovation policy, academic entrepreneurs, and policy makers from the UK, US, and the EU.  

Participants of the Workshop identified the factors contributing to the successes and failures of energy innovation ecosystems over a course of three panel discussions. Based on these factors, the Workshop proposed a set of recommendations for action by national or regional policy makers in the UK and beyond to accelerate energy innovation through improvements in the energy innovation system. These recommendations are now published as a publicly available Workshop Report. The recommendations are grouped into the following four overarching themes:

    1. Filling the gaps in the energy innovation system
    2. Strengthening the linkages in the energy innovation system and beyond
    3. Facilitating conducive government policy
    4. Changing organisational and leadership culture

Read more:

Executive Summary @ Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School

Full report @ CEENRG

Full report @ University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy

Suggested citation:

Kolesnikov, Sergey; Han, Mengyao; Li, Deyu; Jung, Thea; Chan, Gabriel; Narayanamurti, Venkatesh; Anadon, Laura Diaz. (2023). Accelerating development of energy innovation ecosystems: strengthening links across institutions and actors. Workshop Report, June 18-19, 2023, Cambridge, UK. Retrieved from