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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance
C-EENRG receives funding from the Philomathia Foundation for workshop on 'Global low-carbon strategies and their discontents'

C-EENRG has been awarded funding from the Philomathia Foundation to hold a workshop entitled 'An inclusive energy transition? Global low-carbon strategies and their discontents'.

Moving away from our reliance on fossil fuels at the lowest social and economic cost is one of the major challenges humanity faces today. The need to curb carbon emissions and to adopt new energy systems calls for a fundamental redesign of our political, economic and social systems. The workshop intends to interrogate this policy challenge from two inter-related perspectives: (1) how can the costs and benefits of the energy transition be best allocated? and (2) how should participatory mechanisms be designed to facilitate public engagement in the context of the energy transition?

The workshop, which will be held in the spring of 2017, is part of the 'Law of Energy Transitions' project, directed by Professor Viñuales and supported by the Philomathia Foundation. The project aims to develop a systematic survey of the regulatory instruments used in different countries to prompt a shift in the energy matrix, and to evaluate their interactions at the domestic level as well as through regional and international coordination techniques. The workshop will be the first event of the newly formed 'Platform on International Energy Governance' that brings together world leading universities and research centres active in the field of international energy governance. The results of the workshop will be discussed at the Philomathia Symposium in November 2017 which will examine the policy implications of issues around democracy, empowerment and exclusion.