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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance
C-EENRG PhD researcher Benedict Probst awarded Best Research Prize at the Early Researchers’ Conference

C-EENRG PhD researcher Benedict Probst was awarded the Best Research Prize at the Early Researchers’ Conference 2019 hosted at Pembroke College, University of Cambridge.

Benedict’s research focuses on understanding how the clean energy transition can be accelerated.

His research relies on big data and machine learning to understand the patterns of clean-technology innovation, linking basic research to the ultimate technological application via elaborate data-science techniques.

In addition, his research investigates how renewable energy investment in developing and emerging countries can be made more enticing. 

Benedict is supervised by Prof. Andreas Kontoleon (Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy) and Prof. Laura Diaz Anadon (Professor of Climate Change Policy) at the Department of Land Economy.