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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance

Professor Daniel Bodansky’s seminal and widely acclaimed book The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law was first published in 2010. In contrast to other general works on international environmental law, the book focused on the processes of developing, implementing, and enforcing international environmental law rather than on legal doctrine. In order to comprehensively analyse these processes, the book is highly interdisciplinary, relying not only on the legal toolkit but integrating perspectives and lenses of political science and economics, as well as philosophy, sociology, and anthropology.

This year, Oxford University Press published the second edition of The Art and Craft of International Environmental Law, co-authored by Professor Daniel Bodansky and a CEENRG fellow Professor Harro van Asselt. Aside from the co-authorship, this second edition differs in several important aspects from the previous edition, in order to adequately reflect the important developments that international environmental law has witnessed during the last decade.

At the book launch event, hosted by the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law in the University of Cambridge on Thursday, 11 July 2024 from 1 to 2 pm, Professors Bodansky and van Asselt will provide an overview of the approach to international environmental law taken in this second edition, highlighting the ways in which it differs from the first. This presentation is intended to subsequently lead to a discussion on developments specifically in the international climate change regime, including prospects for the Paris Agreement and the recent request for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on climate change. CEENRG fellows Dr Markus Gehring and Dr Joanna Depledge will be the chair and the discussant in the event, respectively.

If you are interested in attending the event online, please register here.