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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance


Ph.D.(Cantab.), LL.M(Cantab.), Law Degree (Athens)

Evangelos Raftopoulos is Professor Emeritus of International Law and International Environmental Law, Department of International, European & Area Studies, Panteion University, Athens, Greece, where he teaches Theory and Methodology of International Law, International Creative Negotiation, and International Environmental Law and Governance in the Mediterranean. He is the Founding Director of MEPIELAN Centre (Mediterranean Programme for International Environmental Law and Negotiation) ( - an officially accredited UNEP/MAP Partner and a Member of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD). He is a Μember of the Compliance Committee of the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols, and the Rapporteur of the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development, UNEP/ MAP. He served, for more than two decades, as a special Legal Adviser to the Mediterranean Action Plan/United Nations Environment Programme (MAP/UNEP) (1987-2010), and was appointed as International Legal Adviser to the Greek Minister of Housing, Public Works and the Environment (1983-1985) and a Lawyer at the Athens Bar Association. He served as the founding Educational Counselor at the Institute of Continual Training, National Centre of Public Administration, Athens (1985-1993). As International Negotiator, he actively participated in more than 80 international environmental conferences and meetings since 1983.

He is the author of 12 books, numerous articles, book chapters and international reports on theory, methodology and philosophy of international law, relational theory and practice of treaties, international environmental law and governance, the Barcelona Convention system for the protection of the Mediterranean marine and coastal environment, and theory and practice of international creative negotiation. His current research interests include: regional and global environmental governance regimes and environmental sustainability of oceans and seas, with emphasis on the Mediterranean; the applicability of the public trust approach to conventional environmental regimes, relational compliance, and environmental sustainability; international negotiations as a governance process of constructing international common Interest; the development of the educational aspect of environmental governance and sustainability. He is the Editor and Director of MEPIELAN E-Bulletin ( ) and he lectured in Greek, European and American universities and institutes. Currently, he supervises two PhD theses.

Professor Raftopoulos holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in International Law from the University of Cambridge, UK, a Master Degree in International Law from the University of Cambridge, UK, and a Law Degree (First Class) from the Faculty of Law, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. He has been a Ford Foundation Southern European Fellow of International Law at the Yale Law School at Yale Law School, Yale University, USA (1980 – 1982) and, recently, a Visiting Scholar at Downing College, University of Cambridge (2015-2018).


Key publications: 

Books (in English)

  • International Negotiation: A Process of Relational Governance for International Common  Interest (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019)
  • Contributions to International Environmental Negotiation in the Mediterranean ContextWith Moira L. McConnell (eds.)   (MEPIELAN Studies in International Environmental Law and Negotiation – 2, Ant. N. Sakkoulas – Bruylant Publishers, Athens, 2004)
  • Studies on the Implementation of the Barcelona Convention: The Development of an International Trust Regime (Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens, 1997).
  • Barcelona Convention and Protocols – The Mediterranean Action Plan Regime (Simmonds & Hill Publishing Ltd., London, 1993)
  • The Inadequacy of the Contractual Analogy in the Law of Treaties (Publications of the Hellenic Institute of International & Foreign Law, Vol. 14, Alkyon Publishers, Athens, 1990)

 Books (in Greek)

  • The New Regime of the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Environment – The Problem and the Texts of the Greek Translation (in Greek) (Second Edition) (MEPIELAN Studies in International Environmental Law and Negotiation – Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, 2015)
  • International Negotiations: Theory and Technique of Constructing International Common Interest (Nomiki BibliothikiAthens2014)
  • Conventional Environmental Governance and the Mediterranean or PLUS ULTRA (Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens, 2006 –  New Edition: Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, 2014)
  • Course, Theory and Language of International Law - “Objectivity” or International Common Interest? (Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens, 1997 – New Edition: Nomiki BibliohikiAthens2014)

Articles, Book Chapters (since 2009)

  • “Compliance Procedure: Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea” (2019).  In Hélène Ruiz Fabri (ed), Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (Oxford University Press 2019)
  • “Conventional Environmental Governance in the Mediterranean and its Evolving Institutional and Fiduciary Aspects in a Pragmatic Perspective” (2016). 30 OCEAN YEARBOOK, pp. 129-173
  • “Theorizing about Conventional Environmental Sea-Regimes as International Trusts: The Case of the Barcelona Convention System” (2015). In: Contemporary Developments in International Law – Essays in Honour of Budislav Vukas (ed. Rüdiger Wolfrum, Maja Seršić, Trpimir M. Šošić), Brill-Nijhoff, Leiden, Boston,  pp. 263-290
  • “Dancing with the Transposition of the Public Trust Approach in the Realm of Conventional Environmental Governance” (2014) (MEPIELAN E-Bulletin, Saturday, 28 November 2014)
  • “Sustainability Governance, Public Trust and the Conventional Protection of the Mediterranean Environment” (2013). In: Derecho Del Mar Y Sostenibilidad Ambiental En El Mediterráneo (ed. José Juste Ruiz & Valentín Bou Franch), Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, 2013, Primera Parte, Aspectos Generales, pp. 35-58.
  • “The Mediterranean Response to Global Challenges: Environmental Governance and  the Barcelona Convention  System” (2011). In: The World Ocean in Globalization – Climate Change, Sustainable Fisheries, Biodiversity,  Shipping, Regional Issues (ed. Davor Vidas & Peter Johan Schei), Martinus Njhoff Publishers (Leiden – Boston), Chapter 27, pp. 507-532.
  • “The Polluter Pays Principle and Agriculture in Greece” (2009). In: Agriculture and the Polluter Pays Principle (ed. Peggy Grossman), British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 2009, chapter 3, pp. 61-145. 
C-EENRG Fellow
Professor Emeritus of International Law and International Environmental Law
Founding Director, MEPIELAN Centre
Panteion University
Professor Evangelos  Raftopoulos

