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Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance
CEENRG Thursday Seminars, Easter Term 2016
Weekly seminars by the Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource Governance, on Thursdays at The David Attenborough Building

The Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource Governance is hosting a weekly seminar series throughout the 2015-2016 academic year. These are informal and friendly talks allowing discussion of on-going work for PhD students, early career and senior researchers. Seminars take place every Thursday, 1-2pm. The presenter is expected to speak for 20-30 mins to allow substantial time for discussion. The talks are followed by a coffee break (coffee and nibbles provided) in the Common Room of the David Attenborough Building (DAB).

Schedule for Easter term 2016:

21st April
Dr Colin Barnes – Room 3.40
Law, economics and sustainable development of marine resources: the case of the Western Indian Ocean

28th April
Zhaoyang Liu (Leo) – Room 3.40
Impact of payments for environmental services in developing countries: institutional and behavioural perspectives

5th May
Dr Aiora Zabala – Room 3.41
Stop the fires! Seeking consensus on solutions to the haze crisis in Indonesia

12th May
Aileen Lam – Room 3.41 
Modelling the impact of policy incentives on global CO2 emissions from passenger cars and motorcycles with a dynamic model of technological change

19th May
Prof Cristiane Derani – Room 3.41
Silent implications of US-Tuna II: how a shift in the relationship between international trade and environmental law might affect the perception and behaviour of market agents

26th May
Ryan Rafaty – Room 3.41
Climate policy backsliding: can it be avoided under democracy?

2nd June
Dr Ksenia Gerasimova – Room 3.41
Studying environmental movements: Insights and challenges

9th June
Marco Jano-Ito – Room 3.41 
Sociotechnical analysis of the electricity sector in Mexico